Linguatools top spanish collocation API
Looks up a word in a spanish collocation database with the top spanish collocations and returns
- the best spanish collocations ordered by frequency
- 2 or 3 example sentences for each collocation

How to use Linguatools Top Spanish Collocation API
Connect to API
GET /?lang={lang}&query={word}
parameter | description | parameter value |
lang | The following language ISO 639-1 code (case sensitive) |
(more in preparation) |
query | any word (case insensitive) | e.g. prestar, dar, apoyo, llevar |
Test the API & code snippets
You can test the API and develop your own application with our API – for free via RapidAPI.
Test the API with:
- lang
- query
http request (test API)
RapidAPI provides programming examples for many programming languages how to use the API.
API response
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | [ { id: 13, collocation: "prestar asistencia", freq: 28287, example1: "Además, la policía griega también les presta asistencia.", example2: "Otras organizaciones de beneficencia kuwaitíes también siguen prestando asistencia.", example3: "El CIIGB, como institución, también debe prestar asistencia." } , { id: 24, collocation: "prestar apoyo", freq: 25277, example1: "Las organizaciones locales o regionales interesadas les prestarían apoyo.", example2: "Se tratará de un mecanismo adecuado para prestar apoyo.", example3: "Durante la campaña, los Tigres Voladores prestaron apoyo aéreo." } , { id: 33, collocation: "prestar servicio", freq: 20075, example1: "El equipo de expertos presta servicios de psiquiatría infantil.", example2: "Las ONG y las iglesias también prestan servicios similares.", example3: "El equipo aún tardará unos meses en empezar a prestar servicio." } , { id: 17, collocation: "prestar atención", freq: 9459, example1: "Durante un rato vamos más despacio, prestamos atención.", example2: "El hombre no chista, ni siquiera presta atención.", example3: "Hay muchas cuestiones a las cuales debemos prestar atención." } ] |
Free and paid API
The API includes 2,000 spanish collocations with 2-3 spanish example sentences.
After signing up on RapidAPI you get the endpoint to access the full collocation database with the 2,000 most frequently used spanish collocations .
Examples of use
You can query the manually compiled 2.000 most frequently used Spanish collocations in this online demo.
For each collocation example sentences are provided.
The „BASIC“ plan with 1.000 requests/month is free.
Terms of Use
Link: Terms of Use
Top Spanish collocations as a data package
The 2,000 manually selected spanish collocations are also available as a data package.
Other language APIs by linguatools:
An overview of all collocation databases: