Translate API looks up a word in a dictionary and returns all translations ordered by frequency.
The API translates from and to German for the following languages:
English, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Italian, and Czech.
Translate API allows to filter by word class and by minimum frequency.
How to use Linguatools Translate API
Connect to API
URL parameters:
GET /?langpair={lang1-lang2}&query={word}&wortart={wordclass}&min_freq={number}
parameter | description | parameter value |
query | any word (case insensitive) | e.g. change |
langpair | One of the following combinations (case sensitive): |
de-en, de-es, de-nl, de-pl, de-it, de-cs,
wortart | One of the following word classes (case sensitive, optional): |
min_freq | any number |
, etc. |
Test the API
Test the test API with:
- langpair: en-de
- query: change
- wortart:
You can test the API and develop your own application – for free – after sign up in RapidAPI
Link to API on RapidApi: https://rapidapi.com/petapro/api/linguatools-translate
The „BASIC“ plan on RapidAPI with 1.000 requests/month is free.
API response
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | [ { "id":24728, "l1_text":"ändern", "l2_text":"change", "wortart":"VERB", "synonyme1":"...", "synonyme2":"...", "freq":27459 } ] |
l1_text: german word
l2_text: translation of the german word
wortart: word class (NOMEN (=noun), ADJ, VERB, ADVERB)
synonyme1: „Synonyms“ for the translation of the German word, created by collecting the alternative translations. For instance, the words car, auto, automobile, motor vehicle, motorcar are all translations of the German word Auto and thus can be regarded as „synonyms“.
synomyme2: „Synonyms“ for the German word, created by collecting alternative translations of the translation of the German word.
freq: The number specifies how often the translation was used in our database of translated documents. The higher the number the more common the translation.
Note: Since there is always noise in the dictionary sources as well as in the translated documents, in order to make sure that you only get correct translations you can set the query parameter min_freq (minimum frequency) to 1 to get only translations that have occurred at least once in our corpus. Compare the result of the two api calls with and without min_freq:
Without min_freq:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | [ { "id":24728, "l1_text":"ändern", "l2_text":"change", "wortart":"VERB", "synonyme1":"alter, alternate, amend, change, modify, transform, vary", "synonyme2":"abändern, auswechseln, erneuern, modifizieren, schalten, umbuchen, umschalten, umschreiben, umsteigen, umtauschen, umziehen, umändern, verwandeln, verändern, wandeln, wechseln, ändern", "freq":27459 }, { "id":534210, "l1_text":"verändern", "l2_text":"change", "wortart":"VERB", "synonyme1":"alter, change, clone, diversify, make a career change, make a job move, modify, mutate, transform, vary", "synonyme2":"abändern, auswechseln, erneuern, modifizieren, schalten, umbuchen, umschalten, umschreiben, umsteigen, umtauschen, umziehen, umändern, verwandeln, verändern, wandeln, wechseln, ändern", "freq":14980 }, { "id":455453, "l1_text":"sich ändern", "l2_text":"change", "wortart":"VERB", "synonyme1":"alter, alternate, amend, change, modify, transform, vary", "synonyme2":"abändern, auswechseln, erneuern, modifizieren, schalten, umbuchen, umschalten, umschreiben, umsteigen, umtauschen, umziehen, umändern, verwandeln, verändern, wandeln, wechseln, ändern", "freq":11199 }, { "id":460125, "l1_text":"sich verändern", "l2_text":"change", "wortart":"VERB", "synonyme1":"alter, change, clone, diversify, make a career change, make a job move, modify, mutate, transform, vary", "synonyme2":"abändern, auswechseln, erneuern, modifizieren, schalten, umbuchen, umschalten, umschreiben, umsteigen, umtauschen, umziehen, umändern, verwandeln, verändern, wandeln, wechseln, ändern", "freq":7627 } ] |
With min_freq = 15000:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | [ { "id":24728, "l1_text":"ändern", "l2_text":"change", "wortart":"VERB", "synonyme1":"alter, alternate, amend, change, modify, transform, vary", "synonyme2":"abändern, auswechseln, erneuern, modifizieren, schalten, umbuchen, umschalten, umschreiben, umsteigen, umtauschen, umziehen, umändern, verwandeln, verändern, wandeln, wechseln, ändern", "freq":27459 } ] |
http request & code snippets
RapidAPI provides programming examples for many programming languages like Node.js, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Python etc. how to use the API.
Terms of Use
Link: Terms of Use
The „BASIC“ plan on RapidAPI with 1.000 requests/month is free.

Dictionary sources
The dictionary is compiled from the following sources:
- linguatools‘ manually edited dictionary
- IATE: the EU’s terminology database
- EuroVoc: multilingual Thesaurus of the EU
- Wiktionary
- EMWN: Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet
- OmegaWiki
- Frank Richters Glossar
Number of translations in the complete dictionary database and Online Query
lanpair | Online-Query | Number of translations |
de-en/en-de | German-English Dict | 900,000 |
de-es/es-de | German-Spanish Dict | 400,000 |
de-it/it-de | German-Italian Dict | 450,000 |
de-nl/nl-de | German-Dutch Dict | 400,000 |
de-pl/pl-de | German-Polish Dict | 62,000 |
de-cs/cs-de | German-Czech Dict | 94,000 |
Examples of use
Fluentwords dictionary: https://fluentwords.net/en/dictionary
linguatools context dictionaries:
German-Englisch, German-Spanish, German-Polish, German-Czech, German-Dutch, German-Italian