English collocations


This data package contains 2 millions english collocations with example sentences.


Extensive database of 2 million English collocations for 43 thousand English words.

Collocations have been extracted from a dependency-parsed corpus with more than 2 billion words. Main text sources were:

Each collocation includes the following information:

  • Collocation (e.g. heavy smoker)
  • Significance
  • 3 English examples
  • Basis word
  • Syntactic relation

Syntactic Relations

See syntactic relations between a base word and its collocates
Syntactic relationexample
subject-verbpolice arrest
verb-objectstart conversation
verb-direct object-indirect objectlend drilling machine neighbour
verb-prepositional objectwobble onto floor
verb-direct object-prepositional objectdrive nail into wall
verb-subclause verblet move
verb-subclause verb with „toforce to resign
verb-adverbwork hard
adjective-nounwhite paper
adjective-prepositionconversant with
adverb-adjectivereally practical
noun with genitive attributeman’s friend
noun compoundmega prize
noun with prepositional phrasecloud of smoke


Variant 1:
You can query all 4 millions collocations in this online demo tool: http://linguatools.de/kollokationen-en/

Variant 2:
You can test the free API.


If you license the data package of the English Collocations you will recieve the data package as XML, CSV, sqlite3 or in another desired format as a file for download.

Licensing conditions

Only for commercial use.
Please contact Peter Kolb (peter.kolb@linguatools.org) for more information.

English collocations as API

For the english collocations we provide an API.
Description and testing of the API: https://linguatools.org/language-apis/linguatools-collocation-api/


Other language APIs by linguatools: https://linguatools.org/language-apis/

An overview of all collocation databases: https://linguatools.org/online-projects/collocation-database/